Now install nftables as firewall:
sudo apt-get install nftables -y
start it
sudo systemctl enable nftables.service
sudo systemctl start nftables
sudo systemctl status nftables
edit your /etc/nftables.rules
sudo nano /etc/nftables.rules
# Define your local LAN Subnet
define lan =
define loopback = "lo"
table inet filter {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
# let´s be statefull
ct state established,related accept
# Needed for ROON Server
iifname $loopback counter accept
meta pkttype multicast counter accept
meta pkttype broadcast counter accept
# allow ssh access
tcp dport 22 accept
# roon comms
ip saddr $lan udp dport 9003 counter accept
ip saddr $lan tcp dport 9300-9339 counter accept
# Apple Airplay
ip saddr $lan udp dport 32768-65535 counter accept
# Devialet Air
ip saddr $lan tcp dport 32768-65535 counter accept
log prefix "nftables: " flags all
chain output {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
Let´s see if it worked:
sudo nano /etc/nftables.conf
should look like:
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset
include "/etc/nftables.rules"
and finaly test it by restarting
sudo systemctl restart nftables
sudo nft -s list ruleset
and to see the firewal log for bug fixing:
sudo journalctl -f -k | grep 'nftables'
or see the history:
sudo journalctl -k | grep 'nftables'
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